Levels of competence

Language levels

For the languages German, English, Korean, Russian and Ukrainian.

How to find your language level


Not sure which one suits you best? We offer a non-binding placement test.

Get in touch with us.

About Eloquenta






Corporate and private clients


What our learners say about us


Teachers are very helpful and patient with slow learners. Slowly, we can both see progress. Classes are not boring, and you can see that the teachers actually put an effort to make the lesson fun or dynamic. That helps me to get motivation to improve my German.

Company course German A2, B1

Mir gefällt sehr, dass der Unterrichtsstoff an den spezifischen Lernenden angepasst wird.
Ich empfehle den Unterricht unbedingt weiter, da man merkt, dass sich die Lehrperson sehr viele Gedanken macht, wie sie den Unterricht am spannendsten gestaltet und den Unterricht individuell auf jeden Schüler anpasst. Ich würde diese Schule wieder wählen, da die Lehrer sehr flexibel sind und man auch Online-Unterricht nehmen kann.

Private course Russian (mother tongue) B2

Conversation practice with Anastasia Piskareva gradually broke down my language barrier, and I was surprised to find that I was soon able to understand speech in public transport and even speak a little with the staff at the store, pharmacy, post office. Also was good to know that the teachers speak your language. My teacher could support explanation for me in Russian and in case of my husband the perfect English of Maria Boulter was very helpful.

Anastasia and Renato
Private German course A1.1