Swiss German conversation
Understanding and speaking Swiss German
Hoi, schön bisch da. Wie gaht's dir?
Do you already speak good High German and would like to "verstaa und rede" (understand and speak) dialect? Then sign up for the Swiss German conversation course!
Our trainers will help you to find your way around the variety of Swiss dialects and discuss God and the world with you in Swiss German! Special features of Swiss grammar and pronunciation are also covered!

The course is geared towards the specific needs and experiences of the participants, which are discussed directly during the course. Blocks of theory are interspersed with the practical discussion.
- Greetings and forms of politeness
- Pronunciation basics
- Mastering everyday situations
- Numbers and time
- Small talk and conversation topics
- Swiss German idioms
- Understanding regional differences
Duration and venue
3 evenings or Saturday mornings in our course locations in Wilen bei Wollerau or Einsiedeln
The course takes place with a minimum of 6 participants and costs CHF 400 per person.
Contact us
Do you have any questions or would you like to book the Swiss German conversation course? We look forward to hearing from you.
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What our learners say about us

Ich empfehle Eloquenta wegen der hochwertigen Lehrmethoden, des engagierten und kompetenten Unterrichts durch Anastasia und der warmen, einladenden Atmosphäre. Die Kombination aus intensivem Sprachtraining und kulturellen Einblicken hat es mir ermöglicht, meine Kenntnisse der deutschen Sprache und Kultur unglaublich zu verbessern. Besonders beeindruckt hat mich die individuelle Betreuung und die Anpassung des Unterrichts an die Bedürfnisse jedes Schülers.
Mir gefällt sehr, dass der Unterrichtsstoff an den spezifischen Lernenden angepasst wird.
Ich empfehle den Unterricht unbedingt weiter, da man merkt, dass sich die Lehrperson sehr viele Gedanken macht, wie sie den Unterricht am spannendsten gestaltet und den Unterricht individuell auf jeden Schüler anpasst. Ich würde diese Schule wieder wählen, da die Lehrer sehr flexibel sind und man auch Online-Unterricht nehmen kann.

Conversation practice with Anastasia Piskareva gradually broke down my language barrier, and I was surprised to find that I was soon able to understand speech in public transport and even speak a little with the staff at the store, pharmacy, post office. Also was good to know that the teachers speak your language. My teacher could support explanation for me in Russian and in case of my husband the perfect English of Maria Boulter was very helpful.